The Butterfield
RV Resort, just 30 miles east of Tucson, AZ, claimed to be '3
Time Arizona Park of the Year'. Reservations were made here for 5
days as plans were to stay off the road and do a little work from
here before making the final 2 day push into Hemet, CA. One of the
unusual features of the park is that it has it's own observatory!
Since such and early arrival was made
Theresa had made an appointment with the Tucson Apple store to get
Kevin's iPhone repaired (see early post on how that happened). That
meant another 1 hour drive (one way) into the city past the
University of AZ, up Skyline Dr to the La Encantada Mall. The repair
was scheduled for 5pm so that would leave time for dinner and maybe
some Xmas shopping :) The Apple store was packed as usual,
but with an appointment the priority was escalated (at least that is
what they make one think). Since Kevin had Applecare on his iPhone
the repair would only be $79 and they would just be replacing the
glass front of the phone so no data or back up/restore would be
needed. Yeah!
The evening temp started out at in the
60's, but as the night progressed it dropped well into the low 50's.
Several times in the night windows that were left open were closed in
hopes to keep some heat inside the RV. An unpublicized feature of
this park (as every other RV park) is that it is located adjacent to
a highly utilized railway track. Trains not only roared by but
insisted on blowing the whistle just as they passed the park. This
was an hourly occurrences all thru the night, so only snippets of
uninterrupted sleep could be accomplished. Perhaps ear plugs were in
store for the following night or maybe folks just get used to it...
Monday thru Friday will be focused on
work, provisioning, following up on family calls and maybe some site
seeing. The park observatory is a must and then there is also the
Caverns and Tombstone
near by.
Friday will be the penultimate travel
day, the finish is in reach.
Nice Jimmy Cliff song reference. I'm so excited that you guys are so close to me.