The laundry room was equally impressive an required the use of a prepaid card rather than lots of change inserted to get the job done. Three loads of accumulated items were washed fluffed and folded within 1 hours time, now that is efficient! However, there will be unused $$ on the card that will have to be leveraged on the return trip :) Seems there is a opportunity for someone to make $$ on all those cards... hummmm.
Also surprisingly enough, the internet
is actually usable! So the blog entries, pictures and maybe some
work can be accommodated.
Kevin extracted the 4 bikes (1 road, 1
mountain for each) from the top of the Jeep (Toad) to discover rusty
chains and locked up forks. They were placed on an alternate rack on
the back of the RV. Much attention will be needed before the bikes
are ridable once the Hemet, CA.
Theresa drove in to Houston 11 miles to
her meetings. It took more than 30- 45 minutes to make the drive.
Working remote by far has lots of advantages, but the face to face
meetings were very productive and it was nice to meet and get to know
those you have only dealt with by phone. Houston
traffic is on parallel with any LA, NYC or any other large
metropolis and it is spread out over 30 miles of our I-10 route.
Theresa not only found that she was well out of practice to handle
the gridlock but also was not accustom to long days of meetings and
customer interaction! Wasn't she retired? Not quite yet, as she
will continue to do some part-time consulting into the new year :)
The customer dinner one night was at
the Taste of Texas
Steakhouse. This place was decorated to the hilt in Texas
fashion (go big!) for Christmas. The waiter found out there were
some “out-of-towner's” and donned each of us with a bandana and
cowboy hat for a photo op! The steaks were ordered and then
personally selected and marked with a number so each slab would not
get mixed up during the grilling process. As expected the meal was
delightful and very filling! Needless to say Theresa brought home
enough for Kevin's lunch the next day.
Thursday the Smitanic will make it's
exit from Houston and head West. Theresa has charted 6 days of about
250 miles each day to get to the Hemet, CA destination. 3 days will
be in TX!
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