With full hook up at the loud campsite
the couple was thankful they could shower and charge up all their
electronic devices. There was no wifi and the Verizon mifis had very
poor connections so they were lucky to get the Blog post out that

Theresa had scoped out 2 potential RV campgrounds near Lake Charles, LA about 350 miles away. After they hooked up the Toad and paid the Camping fee Theresa entered the days destination address in the GPS and they were ready to roll.

Theresa was at the helm first as she navigated thru Mobile, AL over bridges and to her surprise a tunnel under the bay.
Yikes! This was 'white knuckle' time for her as she had to slow the 18 ton (when empty) Smitanic. Thank goodness it was a short down then up the other side to see daylight.
Kevin took over after a stop for gas. He walk Theresa thru pumping gas with all the additional options (DEF, REF, Trailer…) the truckers have at their pumps.

Kevin drove the the remainder miles thru 3 states with off and on rain most of the way. They were surprised to see that there was a town named Iowa, LA! The scenery was mostly swamps with over passes and bridges elevated over the water.

They crossed the Mississippi after New Orleans and descended into yet more swamp land. They arrived at the planned destination only to be greeted by puddles from the day's rain. They were happy to find that the sites were fully paved.
They were also informed about the donuts and hot chocolate in the camp-store as well as the pet park for Zin to visit. Theresa acted as the pilot boat and guided Kevin thru the various narrow turns, thru deep puddles and navigational features of other parked cars, campers, and trucks and glided the Smitanic into Lucky site 13. Upon proper deployment of jacks, slide-outs, and full 50 amp hook up the couple uncorked a bottle for a celebratory beverage.
The couple will spend the night
catching up with the Blog, email and planning for tomorrows trip.
They hope to find a RV campground near San Antonio, TX and hunker
down for a few days of working and exploring that area (maybe the
rain will pass as well).
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