Monday, November 25, 2013

Days 4,5,6 - Care and Feeding

With the RV bedded down at the service campground for the weekend we were able to continue to address items that Kevin's Mom need help with. First on the list was to tour several Independent and Assisted living facilitates in the area that she was interested in moving to. All raved of the great food (3 meals a day, snacks anytime) and had varying levels of care/services, activities and prices. The rooms were small but adequate for one person. Some of the more pricey options had very ample open community living areas and plush decor. Yet others felt more sterol and hospital like. The big challenge will be to figure out what she can afford and what her Long Term Care policy will cover!

We next set up a fax we bought for Kevin's mom and sister to use to send us any questionable forms or mail that they receive, rather than paying at Staples to fax documents to us. Also they can fax forms and make copies as needed. We immediately used it to file paperwork to get $$$ for Kevin's mom's out of pocket medical expenses she had been accumulating.  Kevin's mom fed us several wonderful meals and his sister made her homemade Beer Bread.

On Monday morning we visited the service counter first thing to check on the status of the repair work. We met with our advisor and there was still more work to adjust the back slider and Kevin also said to go ahead and repair the 2 foggy windows on the drivers side and door. We really have a great feeling about this place as they fixed in 1 day what took Camping World 2 months to NOT fix!
Leaving the RV in good hands, the rest of the day was spent in exploring health care options for Kevin's mom. The website was not helpful as it had very limited information and did not show all the options for Dental. It took many phone calls and transfers from one service person to another to finally get a handle on prescriptions, in-plan doctors and covered dental services.

This effort left us both exhausted! We headed back to the RV to see that the 2 foggy windows had been removed so they could send them to Tampa for repair and the back slide had been fixed, along with the rain fly over the front passenger slide-out (another item that had been supposedly fixed and paid for while at the NC RV repair shop). So now we just hang out here until next Tuesday when the windows are scheduled to return and be reinstalled.


  1. This photo features the Smittanic "convertible" model. Nothing says "travel" like the wind in your face... always!

  2. We were also successful in signing Kevin's Sister up with the same insurance plan as her Mother. They now can both go to the same doctors and all are within easy driving via Golf cart or car.


  3. On Wednesday we called Kevin's Moms Long term care insurance carrier to learn what they would help in covering the costs of assisted living. Armed with this information we visited yet another assisted living facility and Kevin's Mom put down a small deposit to hold her spot to choose the room she would like to move into. The facility is still under construction and won't have rooms available till Jan. This at least gets her the opportunity to view the rooms before she elects to make the move.
